How the evangelical faithful came to embrace Trump as a man of God

Without accountability, the national slate will never get clean—no matter how often we try to wipe it

How an anti-postmodern movement came to embody postmodernism’s worst impulses

A Syndicate Symposium

A critical assessment of Jemar Tisby’s award-winning study

Why we shouldn’t worship the golden calf of the pre-COVID days

It’s about more than semantics

What the kneeling controversies and our reactions to them tell us about American civil religion

Figures across the political spectrum want to claim Niebuhr. Some do so better than others.

The cultural prestige of the critical religious voice has eroded since Niebuhr's day. What does public theology look like in our own context?


Review Excerpts

...a thoughtful introduction to Christian ethics, twentieth-century theology, and American religious life. This is a text that will take its own place in the literature of Niebuhr scholarship, and students, teachers, pastors, and scholars… will return to it again and again.   --Robin Lovin

Niebuhr endures, and Doblmeier and Sabella will help new generations profit from the career and vocation of this exemplary preacher-professor-citizen.  --Martin Marty

Available in paperbackKindle, and audiobook formats

A comprehensive list of articles, book reviews, and other publications can be found here